Tuesday, February 11, 2014

I Scream, You Scream, We All Scream For Eye Cream !

Ha ha ha!

Eye cream is a product that I think people tend to expect a bit too much from. In my opinion, skincare is best for hydrating... anything beyond that is a bonus. Too much hydration can be a problem, as milia can form and they are rather unsightly, so finding the right balance for skin is key. Consistency of use is key with eye cream, so keep that in mind when engaging in the ol' skincare trial and error routine! Here are some eye creams I'd gladly scoop up again.

A lengthy name for a single product, but that's nothing new or out of the norm in this industry. I luckily never had to purchase this one, as it is pricey, but got my hands on some tiny samples to get me through a few months of use and I can understand why people throw down $205 for a 15g jar of this cream. It's light yet rich and hydrates effectively and didn't create milia or irritate my eyes in the slightest. If you're feeling splurgy, grab a jar of this.

I set the bar marginally higher for this product because it isn't the usual eye cream. It's a retinoid! For EYES! Sounds scary, and I guess it kind of was initially. I did experience a touch of irritation, and a bit of product pilling up when I applied other skincare on top or near where I applied this stuff, but it did reverse fine (non-dehydration) lines, which is always impressive. If you're looking for results, something with active ingredients is usually necessary so I would definitely recommend this retinoid for visible impact. 

[Note: Okay, I'm about to go on a serious brand rave, but I maintain it's because these products are actually worth your attention, regardless of the fact that they all coincidentally hail from the same brand. It's safe to say Kiehl's has pleased me in the eye cream game.]

Being a fan of Kiehl's Midnight Recovery formula for facial use, I was intrigued when this product launched. The facial formula was really hydrating and soothing, so I anticipated similar results from this product, and it did that, as well as diminish fine (dehydration) lines with continued use. I like that it's fragrance-free and has a fair price point ($40 for 15mL is pretty decent, as a little goes a long way) for some pretty great ingredients, namely squalane for hydration, evening primrose oil for brightening.

If your undereye area is particularly similar in texture to the Sahara, this needs to find a way into your skincare regimen. This is probably the most hydrating eye cream I've come across, so oily-skinned friends should probably take a pass on this one. This formula, loaded with avocado oil and shea butter, is super creamy ( case mentioning the creamy ingredients or the product name didn't tip you off) and will eliminate any dryness or tightness in the eye area. I put this one high in rotation whenever it dips below -15C, so it's been in pretty high use these days, and I'm grateful to have it around, even if I don't need such a huge dose of moisture at all times.

Disclosure: This post contains product(s) sent from the company or their PR team for editorial consideration. For more information, please click here. 

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